Welcome to the Divine & I! This is a special Thanksgiving episode where Haley interviews five people about the topic of gratitude. Hannah, Nathan, Brandon, Mandi and Shawn all share about how they practice gratitude in their lives and what gratitude means to them. In between each episode, Haley shares a liturgy about how she has come to better understand the value of gratitude in everyday life. There is also a special drink tutorial segment, so don't miss it!

Drink Tutorial: Smoked Rosmary Pear Cocktail

  • 2 oz Bourbon

  • 0.5 oz Orange Liqueur

  • 1 oz Pear Juice

  • 0.5 oz Lemon Juice

  • 0.5 oz Rosmary Simple Syrup

  • Egg White

  1. Light the end of a rosmary sprig to let it smoke. Place under your cocktail glass

  2. Pour an egg white into a cockatil shaker

  3. Pour rest of ingredients into shaker

  4. Dry shake ingredients (without ice)

  5. Add ice and shake again

  6. For the rim, use an orange slice (or a lemon) to rube the edge of the cocktail glass. Rim the glass in a brown sugar and cinnamon mix

  7. Pour contents into glass

  8. Garnish with a rosemary twig, dehydrated orange slice and/or pear slice.

For a mocktail, replace bourbon and liqueur with 2 oz of apple cider. You can also replace bourbon with tequila and lemon with lime to make it a margarita.


Ep.10/ Suzanne


Ep.9/ MARK